moon trip: based on scientific studies of our atmosphere The scientifically documented implementation of Mondfarht should form a basis of science are explained more precisely and viewed from different perspectives. What basic skills for this are provided and what it delivers?
Gross was once the euphoria when the NASA in 1969 was the first trip to the moon. This previously almost unattainable project was the result of a successful combination of German rocket technology and computer science-Anglo-Saxon and navigation technologies. For the time being was the social benefit of the moon trip is that the ailing Western confidence after the devastating civil war 1939 - 1945 recovered. As a symbol of decades actually necessary cohesion of Western nations are serious Marxist threat was good for this historic achievement.
For me this project is now much more in science than political Interests, as can be observed outside the Earth, in a world with so much other basic conditions of operations that are performed on the earth for granted and therefore difficult to study leave. Many aspects can naturwissenschaftliceh in practice almost exclusively through a real implementation of a project space occupied and demonstrated.
radiation outside the Earth's atmosphere
Besides the atmosphere, the earth of a magnetosphere surrounding the so-called Van Allen belts. This is a layer in the Earth's magnetic field deflects the charged particles of solar wind. only in the polar regions, a portion of the solar wind to get below the exosphere where it is visible as the aurora under ideal conditions. An unprotected man would be killed in the Van Allen belts are actually doing when he was staying there long enough, because there the concentration diverse, widely scattered radiation in space is particularly high. Highly sensitive electronic equipment and on board fishing dividend organisms must therefore be protected by a sufficiently thick steel and lead wall. The faster a spacecraft passes through the electromagnetic layer, the lower the risk of damage to its cargo. A manned rocket shoots through the magnetosphere within about an hour.
is outside this belt, eg on the moon, a body mainly exposed to direct sunlight to the aggressive short-wave radiation. Since prevail on the moon several extreme conditions (light exposure, temperature, Vacuum ,...), must be already designed a protective suit follows resistant that he thus an essential part of the X-ray and gamma radiation shielding. For example, it is on the moon on the day by the lack of atmosphere is much brighter than on Earth, so a helmet plate is coated with an obscuring layer, which simultaneously also provides some protection against other radiation.
Verschienenen studies have shown that astronauts go the increased risk of late effects, among other things because of this radiation dose. However, these are also many other groups of people affected, such as a flight crew of long-range aircraft, the least number of hours per day about three-quarters of the air mass can be considered among themselves, just as X-rays are not just a harmless affair. According to interest group, these problems like under-or overstated, since referring investigations are difficult because almost everyone is enriched with various activities of a certain dose of this kind.
extreme lighting conditions on the moon
As indicated in the last section appears on the moon, the sun is much brighter than on Earth, this is due to the lack of atmosphere. Not Only the space suits have to have tinted windows, but all the photos that were made there had to be darkened with a camera made in order to detect anything. Sun Moon images have generally a different visual appearance than it actually looks like on the moon, because you faint objects did not recognize, like the stars. Color images could, depending on the darkened light wave spectrum distorting color and have very bright spots shine so strongly that when a camera reticle sometimes the crosshair is photographed. The scattering of light is there, so from the ground, which is also a change in direction for the shading Consequences.
Nice to know: night lights "full Earth" on the moon 20 times as strong as the full moon on Earth, due to the size ratios, absence of the lunar atmosphere and the light scattering of the Earth's atmosphere.
We can imagine the way that the world would look like for us if the planet were not surrounded by a shell of gas, or what the world is clear for us when a change in its thickness, which for example, a any Mars mission could be of interest or changes in our Erdatmospähre.
motion of a body in a vacuum
The presence of the air we are accustomed to, that certain movements to play a certain scheme. So it can happen very many strange that on the dusty lunar soil at the Apollo 11 landing and the start was not great swirl of dust, which can could expect at least the 14.5-ton object. This can be understood, however, by a simple calculation: The force of gravity on the moon is about one sixth of the earth, weighing 14.5 t there, so just by 2.4 t. Thus, a force of 23,500 N needed to lift the capsule, propelled by a nozzle with an area of 1.47 m ^ 2 It follows that the pressure of the gases emerging from the nozzle corresponds to approximately 1,600 kg per m ^ 2, which represents about 16% of the air pressure at sea level (1 bar = 100,000 N / m ^ 2). It should also want to expand in the vacuum, the gases emerging from the nozzle faster than all the pages on the earth the case.
Just steps from the landing site from the lunar surface therefore showed no changes due to the jet exhaust of the lunar lander. This means that even the footprints of the astronauts remained so well preserved as full. This is a consequence of the fact that the dust grains when they are thrown away, moving in an ideal parabolic career back to the ground and not float around so long and spread widely. Exactly, you can watch the moon vehicle that drives through the desert moon dust: The heavier debris and fine dust falls on the wheels in unison in the same Car down, which under the influence of a gas layer would not be possible.
Moving in such a pressure suit is extremely cumbersome and works through the pressure differences between outside and inside the suit as an inflated envelope. If you consider that we are exposed to sea level at a pressure of about 10,000 kg per m ^ 2, the body compensates by nature "from within", one can imagine, would dominate any excess pressure in the human body when it without cover in space is irrelevant. That was also when setting up the U.S. flag to see how cumbersome it rammed the pole into the ground. Since, according to American Tradition, a flag should always look like they would blow in the wind, they attached it with a horizontal bar. So you can see by the continuous auspendelnden flapping of the flag had to be met with such difficulty the mast into the ground.
investigation of the battered moon material
The test material was brought total about 380 kg of lunar rock to Earth. On the one hand were various minerals such as Tranquilityit and Armalcolit be noted, that material is also to be found on the earth. It was also the lack of atmosphere in only high amounts of searchable 3He and other previously unknown part of the neptunium isotopes such as 237Np determined. The rock also contains an unusually high proportion of uranium 235 U and short-lived radioactive isotopes, caused by the continuous exposure in space. Thus, the lunar rock samples differ chemically from the material which can be assumed on the ground. In addition, the moon rocks with impacts of small meteorites in the size of a few cubic millimeters littered on-an effect that is on earth in the last 4 mia. Years, thanks to the atmosphere would not have taken place since the body would burn up that size. The moon dust is therefore unchanged from meteorite dust, which it is everywhere and evaporated upon entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
Also missing from the lunar rocks, the bedrock on the usual water shell, as the water evaporates completely in a vacuum. From the samples of the Apollo missions, ETH Zurich, the age of the moon to about 4.5 mia. Years to determine.
control of the device by rocketry
quite as simple as a rocket launch look like the whole game is not. You have to remember that not only on earth, the wind, but inside the cabin by the moving man's career could change very quickly if the drive could not balance. As the early 40's in Germany The first missile tests were conducted, the rocket scientists had to deal mainly with this problem. On behalf of the German Wehrmacht during the war, rapid progress has been made to the missile technology for long distance and has been perfected even for space rockets. At that time, the whole trajectory of the missile was calculated before the launch, and set before the flight. Since the flight direction are corrected by constantly needs the missiles hit their target only inaccurate, which also shows that control-related requirements for space are required.
way: The extended version of the unit 4 (A4 or V-2 rocket) in 1945 was the first space capable missile, the precision because of the time insufficient computers, navigation and telecommunications equipment was limited. This was not, however, essentially meaning critical to the progress of the war.
(top: Fi 103 - V1 rocket or 1942 / image below: Trip to the Moon 1969).
source and images
quarterly magazine for free historical research, issue 4 / 02;
Publisher: Castle Hill Publishers (UK)
scientific basis of Germar Rudolf *
* The German chemist Germar Rudolf looked at various historical events of the 20th Century could and with similar arguments I set out here have to prove that the moon trip actually took place, bringing the "conspiracy theory" to the moon trip opponent was disproved. After all, NASA and several thousand in about 20,000 Zulieferungsfirmen total of 300,000 employees, so you can imagine how difficult it would be if you wanted to start such a project as a secret mission or something else concealed from the public would.