Monday, September 6, 2010

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Interesting Statistics for - artists and labels.

That so interesting But facts must always hide behind so deep inscrutable menu items. Undercurrent of criticism? So it should not now go for now. Today, I would just share with you an interesting statistic that each of the one artist or label has account can understand. Maybe interesting for you. You're a musician, songwriter or a band and always wanted to know where you are sometimes compared to the "greats" in the biz? Check it out.
The following statistics show, according the "popularity on " of the artist. What does that mean exactly is a little gray area, but I'll just go strong assumption that the number of scrobbled tracks - it is called when someone logs on your track - has a major influence on it. The number of listeners is certainly a decisive factor.

interesting about the statistics, I think I created, for example, that the good Lena but "surprisingly" bad cuts. Real Desktop mind you. Or has also Grönemeyer protege Clueso he himself has long been sought in relation to the audience on . That the Heroes the time passes by almost no one was to be expected. Tokio Hotel remains here without comment.

How to get such statistics? You have in your Artist / Label Account click promotion and launch a new Powerplay campaign. It usually costs money, but do not worry for the statistics you have to pay anything. Easy to configure a campaign, but does not start. This is in the following menu:

Who wants to really know these statistics, adds just added his own band, or the friend. Exciting is not it? I entertaining all guess and if you've read thus far, but it tried it yourself again. But do not be disappointed if you in the end worse than our "Hero of the Nation" Lena cuts. scrobble happy -

that in mind.


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