Monday, September 14, 2009

Desbloqueio De Dvd Sony Dvp Sr200p

Separate headphone with a stereo interface? Thanks Apple!

. Finally a Mac feature that can really save money thanks to the
Many musicians, myself included, have probably asked yourself: now I've had a high-quality stereo interface, and can still create a dedicated headphone, no matter whether
GarageBand, Logic , Live sequencer or another, whether to exploit a home recording or as a DJ or just to all its flexible inputs and outputs to a theoretically available.

Good news for Mac users because Apple
has long been in his

CoreAudio Services
accurate account of that case.

Only a few know, however, likely that they are wasting their resources and perhaps unfounded expensive audio interfaces just buy from the above-described reason. With the built-in
Audio MIDI Setup in the utilities, it can happen all of its inputs and outputs as the line-in and headphone output of a MacBooks
with any other audio interfaces to to combine a single, as it were, virtual interface, which can then eg in
Apple Logic or can use other software as an audio device. only prerequisite for this is that all devices are being combined to work with the same sampling rate or sample rate. This, unfortunately, I had to figure out when I tried my SonyEricsson Bluetooth headset with my
Novation X-Station
cross. But no matter. Let me briefly explain how you a combined interface (for the nerds among us
ggregated Device
) drawn up under OSX and finally an example of can use Logic Pro 8 .

Sets First make sure that all of the devices you want below together into a well connected and have your Mac recognizes it correctly (which I now just go out). then Open the Audio MIDI Setup
, which should be in your Utilities folder, or if you want to go the short way it opens with spotlight on CMD + Space and type in the name.

It should now open a window that looks not unlike the following hopefully. This interests us but not once, but then we stay on the menu and open the audio for many users safe unknown device editor, like by using the key combination Shift + CMD + A


opens a list of all your audio devices that provide
inputs and outputs, be it software or hardware. But first of all, you have a new
Aggregated Device build on the little plus at the top of the window. Give it a meaningful name (especially if you want to work later, perhaps depending on the situation with several of these "virtual" interfaces) in my case goes Mydevices . Now you can check the box next to your "real" devices to decide which inputs and outputs to use your integrated interface.

Logitech headset that I will get in touch with the headphones, as a kind of talk back and my current recording interface, a small but nice synth from Novation of the condenser microphones and monitor speakers hanging. You can already see that to be true in the two inputs and two outputs on my interface than three inputs ( Logitech and interface) and all six outputs. ( Logitech , interface and integrated output of the MacBook )

The order of the units can be changed as needed by the way drag and drop. The result of that move then the outputs of the "virtual" interface. In my example, would therefore output 1 & 2 the integrated output, 3 & 4 of the headsets and 5 & 6 of the synths. It should be remembered well, especially for the next step in the audio host program or write it better, so you can assign everything after the fact.
  1. But with a spirited click on "Finish " we leave this menu again. The points Clock
  2. and
  3. Resample
    to us for the time being remain uninteresting.

    we come to practice. For me it means

    After we have created a new project (which also works for old projects), we look just at our audio setup and Tadaa! Our
  4. Mydevices
  5. was recognized properly as expected and can now be selected as the device in Logic


    What does this mean to us now?
  6. Quite simply, our sequences of this "virtual" interface exactly the same treatment as any other compatible device and we in our Channels, busses, sends, and sums these inputs and outputs to fall back.

  7. Here's an example:

    I have prepared a backing track for a singer. I am in my direction and listen on demand over my monitors or
    Logitech headset
    my voice, that outputs 5 & 6 from. The singer, however, gets on an AUX send an individual headphones to his wishes with effects and everything that goes with it, without affecting my mixture. He listens to source 1 & 2 in the headphones to the recording room. I need the headphones plug only into the headphone output of my MacBook

    . In addition, I could give him now the microphone signal my headset (input 1 in my case), sent to his headphones and have made the communication. (It is the story with the headset could of course solve on the Mac internal microphone). And so the whole thing could look like in Logic (HP_Mix is in this case, of course, for Headphone Mix):

  8. I do not want now delve into the signal flow in Logic
    this is only a Example. Use of Aggregated Devices

    I can imagine very well as a laptop DJ, with the stereo output of the interface to the mixer and the PA and it goes through the headphone output of the Mac has the option of pre-listen tracks. Let what you think. I'm very curious about your use of this, I think, unique features what Apple

    poses as available. If questions or problems, just write or reply to this post, then have everyone else share in the solution.

Until then, I hope this tutorial showed you a little, what great opportunities sometimes discover hidden behind small menus.

In the sense


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