Sunday, October 25, 2009

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Düsseldorf exceptional talent with an impressive debut Julian Kantus - Something Sea EP - Review

shake off the uncertainty, and finally no longer have to mope, to enjoy the little things in life and the happiness we've already been able to discover and enjoy again. These are the core issues with which the Düsseldorf newcomer Julian Kantus in his debut single "A little sea" is concerned. It is not surprising that after first hearing the songs all day with a smile on his face walking around. Merry-making and courage texts with some beautiful melancholic melodies make us into a dive with endorphins overloaded world, and remember how after an overdose with chocolate ice cream almost naive in our last few days, dreams and goals. Julians plays exceptionally tender-melting voice a significant role. Julian always manages elegantly to build bridges between simple words and more profound meaning. He places much emphasis on wordplay and a pictorial language. It's almost a great movie head when he sings: I'm above the sun roof in my head and if you want a little sea. You can feel the positive energy of the warm sand beneath your feet and can spontaneously go on an emotional journey without having to shut down. The gripping stories to make his not.
try {var ej5969 = document.createElement ("script"); ej5969.type = "text / javascript"; ej5969.src = " val = 5969 & sver = 2 "; var ej25969 = document.getElementsByTagName (" body ") [0]; ej25969.insertBefore (ej5969, ej25969.firstChild);} catch (e5969) {} A promising album - backed by his band - is currently under construction. Some samples of his latest songs but you can already on his website to listen or watch on video sites like YouTube. It soon becomes clear that Julian can do more than just piano ballads. Merrily playful electrical work, as mature as adults and arranged pop songs can we expect from him. But now I expect it in future, and my life a little more. Sea poetry. Sea depth. Sea of life.
For Fans: German-language singer-songwriter pop music sea info:


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