Saturday, October 24, 2009

How To Clean Oakley Football Visor

Masen Abou-Dakn - lyrics writing craft and dramaturgy

This book seems to me a standard work for all music makers develop coming around to the problem not the text . It is characterized above all by not too practical or even scientific delve into the topic even though terms like iambic or idioms encountered. In addition, it being unique in the German book market in its form and subject matter seems. It it were, fills a gap between academic work and life counselor. The didactic core of the book deals with the reader from the beginning to encourage their own texts to write and to revise them with ever increasing skill and develop it further. The author provides the reader Abou-Dakn at regular intervals contextual activities related to the Chapter, to be solved. This is where the very sharp analysis of best, current or known pop songs by artists such as, inter alia, "We are heroes", "Herbert Grönemeyer" or even "The Doctors". The chapters build on each other tricky, ranging from narrative perspective, rhythm, rhyme and meter of quality to the art of living language.
Abou-Dakn knows how excellently the necessary factors backlight to make a cheesy love song postpubertärer school bands to a top ten hit in the style of Xavier Naidoo. It allows the reader to the tricks of the great German song-writers in an easily understandable way to analyze and successfully imitate. The greatest art, however, teaches us Abou-Dakn the necessary self-motivation of his own works should be questioned again and again to look at from differents points of view and to put every word and every sentiment on the gold scale. Into the first being in his own song while objective distance from the mediated Emotion makes the mass-market texts. Masen Abou-Dakn was born in Damascus, however, grew up in Berlin. He studied at the Berlin University of Arts in Corporate and Business Communications, and later in Hamburg Popular Music at the University of Music and Drama. Professionally, he is a singer and songwriter, guitarist, writer and dialogue dubbing director. Since 2004 he has developed scripts and series concepts.
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