Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Translate To Norwegianb

I had read about in theory, much as male influence a stock price, but it never tried. This week was first:)!

The test object:
am By chance I hit the Bagus Investment AG WKN: A0Q8NM
ISIN: CH0045249841 encountered a Super Stock ... hehehe ...

The facts:

President of the Board: Gasser, Erika ( . Hat by stock market insiders have gained some negative fame If you have time you google again to the woman)

Board member: Khatib, Subhyia; Guney, Izzet,
Director: Khatib, Uthman

purpose of the company is the provision of services in the area of international trade in goods, particular electronic goods trade (e-commerce). Among other things, the company owned the portal lets buy it (,,,

share capital: CHF 1,000,000.00

shares: 100000000 bearer shares of CHF 0.01

Publication organ: SHAB. According to the founding statement of 07.08.2008 is subject to regular audit and the Company does not dispense with a limited audit (the trust but have a pretty big in your accounts ...)

Since 29/10/2008 at Frankfurt Publicly available
trading volume so far 0,00 Eur
Getaxter price today 3 Eur

So I had all the information I needed.

The process:
I did not want my manipulation auffält now, I have made a total of 3 Limited purchase order. has
one shares with Limit 4 €
one shares with limit 5 €
one shares with Limit 6 €
And now guess how much the price changed.
I have bought no stock.
I only have one purchase order issued for 0.0000003% of the share capital.
But the whoosh
wupp the price rises by 4% (btw, the DAX is on this day fell by about 4%)
Thus, goods must feel Buffet:)

will make the next days on. We'll see where I still manage this stock. My first goal will probably be the 5 Eur brand, because in such a business concept, such a brand-name makers and those in the background, this stock should be the least value yes. Although I expect here in the medium term at least, an increase by 50000%. hihihi ......


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