Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hunting Themed Koozie Sayings

If I only become a man

Then I could go to the Bund, a regular soldier, I have since shared the room with seven comrades learned to assert myself, or just sitting around, but got fat coal and collects behind thick yet ne sum payment. Then I would like the singer of "Unheilig" open up behind a recording studio and make my own disk.
I mean, okay, so something has to tell the guy, being interviewed by the cultural channel. If you already have text makes such as "born to live." The bursting with life wisdom, heaven, the man has recorded it.
I confess I could not listen on. The mindless slobbering of the singer and the mindless giggling at the words of the presenter of the "old master". Yawn. Maybe he's already 40, oops, that would be beyond good and evil, just before apparent death. I could not look further - to a wrong cut fast pussy beard. Was not easy.
What happens to the public broadcasters, editors if there are paid for programs where it comes to politically-inspired porn is (in the paper, a stuttering interviewee, the one about him not ridicule, perhaps something more could have cut out, told from his answers) and a Count of and for Unheilig, what it was in the room ... Maybe that is the subtle and delicate irony behind all escaped. Possible. If I become a man, I would certainly not happen.


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