to expert tips on there is an article by Tom Blasco about mental strength . It's mostly about the player's thoughts about themselves A strong mental personality therefore is a person considered a match as a challenge to grow out of themselves and not to play with the idea of possibly losing. Just as the physical skills can be trained mental strength by qualified instruction and training.
Tom split 7 different characteristics, behavior and / or reactions. In this he includes: competitive (fighting spirit), confident (confidence), control (control), committed (commitment), Composure (serenity), courage (courage) and consistency (resistance) - the 7 C's. He says: A race is won with the head. Learn to love the challenge of the competition.
The militant type is to find a way to win. If he enters a difficult phase, he will use this as an opportunity to play more focused. Give up doing the one who uses a difficult moment as an explanation. A convinced of the player with the idea in itself: "I can do everything, whatever comes." He is not disturbed by self-doubt. Successful athletes are able to their thoughts and behavior control. They focus on what can be controlled. Things beyond their control, may not disturb them. The label of mentally strong bowlers is the ability to control one's own balance, concentration, and feelings, even under the greatest stress can lead to. Mentally strong athletes focus their time and energy on their goals and dreams. They are motivated and highly self-directed. They remain focused and play with the challenges. How a player handles his emotions, can be crucial to victory or defeat. The mentally strong bowler will tell themselves: "OK, I have to beat the other players and the pins, and I will do that." The player must also be willing to take risks. That's what top athletes To do to realize their full potential. Mental Bowler have strong resistance. They play their best, even if they feel bad in any case to use as an excuse.
Tom split 7 different characteristics, behavior and / or reactions. In this he includes: competitive (fighting spirit), confident (confidence), control (control), committed (commitment), Composure (serenity), courage (courage) and consistency (resistance) - the 7 C's. He says: A race is won with the head. Learn to love the challenge of the competition.
The militant type is to find a way to win. If he enters a difficult phase, he will use this as an opportunity to play more focused. Give up doing the one who uses a difficult moment as an explanation. A convinced of the player with the idea in itself: "I can do everything, whatever comes." He is not disturbed by self-doubt. Successful athletes are able to their thoughts and behavior control. They focus on what can be controlled. Things beyond their control, may not disturb them. The label of mentally strong bowlers is the ability to control one's own balance, concentration, and feelings, even under the greatest stress can lead to. Mentally strong athletes focus their time and energy on their goals and dreams. They are motivated and highly self-directed. They remain focused and play with the challenges. How a player handles his emotions, can be crucial to victory or defeat. The mentally strong bowler will tell themselves: "OK, I have to beat the other players and the pins, and I will do that." The player must also be willing to take risks. That's what top athletes To do to realize their full potential. Mental Bowler have strong resistance. They play their best, even if they feel bad in any case to use as an excuse.
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