Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fleetwood Niagra Popup

The atmosphere of the earth: their development and significance


The atmosphere of the earth is run by different criteria in different sectors, the limits on certain height above sea level split. The Breakdown by thermogradientalen properties purchased from the inside out enumerated the following five spheres (large balls): troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. considered
From the aspect of the chemical composition of the atmosphere consists of three different gas types: Two homogeneous mixtures (Homo spheres) and in between a heterogeneous layer (hetero sphere). The electromagnetic charge state of the geosphere can still be divided into an uncharged layer in an ionosphere and in a magnetosphere. latter does not belong more to the atmosphere, because at a height of about 1,000 km above sea level no atmos (gr. Dunst) is gone.

statements to the chart:

The top margin shows the temperature in K and C, the left the height in m and the lower edge of the pressure in Pa. The displayed value range is between 1 and 101'300 Pa, 0 and 280,000 m, (-90) ° C and 1,700 ° C and thus includes the lower homosphere (Tropos, Stratos and mesosphere) and the lower quarter of the hetero sphere (about half of the thermosphere). Thin and black, the pressure curve in the homosphere located, which passes into the hetero-sphere into a thick line. Default is the black-red temperature curve with constant values between 5 and 95 km above sea level shown that the bottom assumes a weather and a sun in the thermosphere wind dependent variable course.

black curve: air pressure

thick red curve: air temperature

(eye-catching here are the variations in different heights, this is explained, however, with the chemical composition of the air)

numbers on the left border: height in meters above sea

origin of Earth's atmosphere:

Some 4.5 billion. Years before our era is the planetary system of the heliosphere as much cool that some physical state of the celestial bodies formed in the solid surface. The earth was in this phase, a much smaller extent than today, but a sufficient gravitational force to bind the so-called "primitive atmosphere" of the volatile gases in itself. This primitive atmosphere consisted of hydrogen (H2), helium (He), methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3) and was not, as some people mistakenly believe the source of today's atmosphere, but the molecules of these gases were several sun and cleaved with the solar wind continuously removed until almost nothing was left on the ground. In the following hundred million years, a second atmosphere, from its foundations, our present. One can assume that it consisted of the gases that are released in volcanic eruptions: 80% water vapor (H2O), 10% carbon dioxide (CO2), 7% hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the remaining hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and some other trace gases such as ammonia, which is spun by a photochemical reaction (UV) nitrogen (N = nitrogen). The basis for the development of water was given out in front of about 3.5 mia. Years were the cyanobacteria, which H2O split off from the oxygen, the first with iron to rust and then with nitrogen binds to air.
The interaction of the resulting air and UV radiation formed several layers of air with their properties, which make the life out of the water. One of their properties is to burn up penetrating foreign body and the gases produced some really establish biochemical processes on the ground.
The earth is on this road daily enriched with some 110 tons of meteoric dust, which is less the escaping gases, a mass annual growth rate of about 40,000 tons. In the final 4.5 mia. Years, therefore, an increase of only resulted Mia and 180,000 tonnes at an average density of 2.5 tonnes per cubic meter (meteorite dust consists largely of silicon), a volume increase of 72,000 cubic miles. This mass flow is compared to the total mass of the Earth 5.97 * 10 ^ 21 tonnes, or 5.97 million. t trillions negligible (average density of the earth: 5,1 t / m ^ 3), but this corresponds to more than one third of the approximately 5.1 * 10 ^ 15 tons (5.1 trillion tons) mass of atmospheric gases. The earth and above all, its atmosphere is exposed through biochemical and astrophysical processes running changes.

Chemical composition of the atmosphere:

The lower homo sphere, ie up to 80,000 m is the air mixture for the most part consists of constant and volume fractions of 78% nitrogen (N2), 21% oxygen (O2), 0.9% argon (Ar) and 0.1% trace gases. Carbon dioxide is one of these gases and, with an average of 0.038% volume varied according to height as the ozone (O3).
The density of air can be explained by the molar masses of its components and the molar volume of ideal gas, calculate: molar m of N2: 28, O2: 32, mol-V: 22.4138. It is
at 273.15 K and 101'325 Pa following calculation: ((0.78 * 28 +0.21 * 32 +0.01 * 40) / 22.4138) = 1.29. The weight of the air is therefore 1.29 kg per cubic meter. If we now
the idea is to make the same calculation with the CO2 (C m is the molar of 12), one arrives at a total density of 1.9. That is, CO2 sinks and is located mainly in deeper layers, but by convective weather kicked up and air operations and disseminated.
Ozone is a gas that is formed from oxygen under the action of UV rays and absorb them simultaneously. That is, in the upper atmosphere is formed in the ozone layer, which absorbs the UV rays and protects against the lower classes. UV radiation, less than 240 nm converts 3 O2 molecules into 2 molecules of O3, UV radiation, which is greater than 240 nm, makes the reverse process. Short-wave radiation is absorbed by O3, be transmitted during long-wave radiation, resulting in nature to the balance of O2 and O3. O3 also has the capacity to convert electromagnetic radiation into heat, which explains the phenomenon that the top of the stratosphere, where the O3 concentration is highest, the temperature rises, despite extremely low air density at 0 ° C. As one can even imagine how much heat must be put in a potential mole O3. Only in the mesosphere, where the pressure falls to less than 0.1% of sea level pressure, the temperature gradient per level is decreased. Not to forget is that the whole mesosphere is in the gay sphere ie the mixture is rösstenteils constant, it is therefore only small changes in O3 content, which apparently affects the temperature profile follows. In the hetero
sphere (from the end of thermosphere exosphere (about 500 '000 '000 '000 m-1)) to separate the particles according to mass. In the bottom of the thermosphere is more oxygen, nitrogen and a little more about the trace gases soft top. The few hydrogen atoms, which could rise through the ozone layer are ionized, usually by the solar wind and leave the gravitational field of the earth, because they have too little mass. The different hydrogen and helium atoms are outside the sphere of hetero again a homo sphere, the average movement of individual atoms but is usually several kilometers. The upper homosphere (from about 1,000 km above sea level) is therefore de facto a vacuum.

The physical properties of the atmosphere: to analyze

To the physical properties of the atmosphere is meaningful above all, the pressure gradient. By considering the pressure curve inside the homosphere enables the whole mass of air and its distribution charge on Earth. Especially when 99.9% of the total air mass is located in the lower homosphere may overlying layers of air for physical calculations largely be neglected. (In the hetero sphere behaves as the pressure gradient is not linear or progressive, what I tried to represent in the graph above with the display as a thick line on the left). Atmosphere for physical calculations, reference is made only on the values in the gay sphere.

air distribution:
halved the air pressure per 5'500m increase in height, he has to say on the normal cruising altitude of 11,000 m about 25,000 Pa, it is that is 3 / 4 of the total air mass below this level. Is the result of air pressure at the altitude of 5,500 m to be regarded as an average, bringing the average air density and thus the total Air mass of the Earth calculated. The figures are based on the values of middle latitudes
geographically (by N / S 45 °) , since the thickness of the atmosphere varies according to region (in the polar regions it is about half as thick as at the equator). The air pressure at the surface is thus not affected cede as the outer layers of the atmosphere at the equator more gravitational force to the centrifugal force as in the polar regions. The total air mass is calculated with the air density (1.29 kg / m ^ 3) times the height of half the air pressure times the surface of the earth, the total is 5.1 * 10 ^ 18 kg.

Thermodynamic properties:
As shown in the diagram, divided If the atmosphere in different sectors, which depend largely on your temperature gradient. Striking at first glance, the enormous differences in temperature, which can also be up to 2,000 ° C. Certainly, it is useful to divide the Atmospärenschichten Kriterum after that, because that does not much can be read on their gas composition. But if one adds to the temperature curve, a pressure curve in the graph, relative to the importance of the temperature curve. For the atmospheric physics and its technical use of the profile of the pressure curve is much more important than the temperature curve. The
wrongly assumed the world, in the thermosphere, where it yes so hot is burning up the penetrating meteorite is lifted only when viewing the pressure profile. It is true that bring about from the beginning of the hetero sphere, ie above the ozone layer, the electromagnetic radiation of the sun unprotected O2 molecules to vibrate so strongly that it is possible to give them based on their movement, a power which one ascribes to them a high temperature , but one that would hardly be able to measure, since the pressure is so small that prevail there almost space temperatures from-27o ° C. It was there that burn up any foreign matter entering the Earth, but this process takes place only in the mesosphere, where the temperature drops to -90 ° C. That 40-70 km / s to create the earth flying usually a few grams of heavy particles by their friction on the O3 such a strong warming that they burn up and ionize the surrounding gas, which is sichthar in the dark as a short flash.

Kinematic influence of atmosphere on the earth:
Finally, I address the question of what the atmosphere has rotation mechanically to impact on the planet, since the modified radius of the body cause another mass moment of inertia.

My contention is that it is possible to influence artificially by an increased output of a gas, the rotation of the Earth: A well-known Theme, the emission of the atmospheric gas carbon dioxide (CO2). I want to prove the thesis kinematically that by the artificial release of previously in the soil be carbon center of mass of the earth (by mass concentration of the atmosphere) moves, the inertia moment changes and the angular velocity decreases, which will extend the days.
The Earth has a total mass of 5.97 * 10 ^ 24 kg, a radius of 6'379'500 m (no atmosphere) and corresponds to a filled sphere with a density of 5,100 kg / m ^ 3 The moment of inertia can thus be calculated: (2 / 5) * 5.97 * 10 ^ 24 * ^ 2 = 6'374'000 97'019'367'888 * 10 ^ 27 kg / m ^ 2 The torque is (2 * pi * rad) / (24 * 3600) = 0.000072722 rad * s ^ -1. (The object rotates once every 24 * 3600 s 360 °). Multiplying these two results, one gets the angular momentum L. The same is done with the mass of air, just a hollow sphere with the formula ((3 / 2) * m * r ^ 2), mass of air is 5.1 * 10 ^ 18 and the radius is 5,500 meters more, because the focus is on the air for the pressure altitude of 50,000 Pa. The momentum component of the air makes 1 / 701 '142 from the around the world and is subtracted from it. According to media reports, the man encounters every year around 36.3 gigatons of CO2, which has carbon C a mass of about 9.1 gigatons Antel. From this we calculate the mass moment of inertia reduction of the solid Earth's body and the increase of air mass, observed the focus of the atmosphere and thus gives a new total mass moment of inertia J, which is divided by the angular momentum, which results in the new angular velocity. Obtained instead of 0.000072722 rad s ^ -1 * new * 0.000072719 rad s ^ -1, which corresponds to a ratio of 1.00004, from which we can conclude that longer by this mass shift one revolution of the earth goes around 0.004% and the day then so not 86,400 seconds, but 3456's more.
(See situation with a rotating figure skater who loses by extending the arms of rotational speed).

of illustration, the presentation also used a liquid image with the volume of fluid to the angular momentum (L) represent the height of the angular velocity (omega) and the width of the mass moment of inertia (J). Here it is evident that in the vessel with the smaller J for the same capacity, the amount "omega" is greater. Sun shows you the kinematic behavior in the rotation mechanism.


(chemical and physical principles):
- Meteorology: Karl Heinz Hack "Aviation Meteorology" / script lectures and Dr. Neininger

- Velcro "formulas and data "
- Prof. Maurer lectures and system design

figures come from various sources, some of its own documents, projects, etc., with which the accuracy can be limited

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cover Letter For Visual Stylist

Stirling engine: More efficient mechanical use of the thermodynamic energy expenditure

. motive for innovation:

Accompanied by the growing CO2 problem compels us to concern about future energy supplies to question our lifestyle

career-promoting politicians have been able to reap sympathy by the environmental. problem by cheap ticket counter solutions want: left "to save the world" argued that the state should do this and that, the main thing is the individual citizen has to say as little like thinking while conservatives prefer the approach that other states were to blame and they must take care of it.

Since red, our media landscape in the debate between these two fronts is no room for interest, responsible and self-acting people, it is appropriate to represent their position here.

IT CAN is the question to the fore, as the regular budget, his own production company, the office and the individual farm energy use more efficient. Just as the demand can greatly reduce fossil fuels, if we replace oil heating by solar panels, is in reliable working Stirling engines is an enormous energy saving potential.

principle of a Stirling engine:

The steam engine by I. Newton in the 18th Century England secured once the unassailable world power. Their operating principle was to convert a thermal potential into mechanical power. Through the expansion of water when heated allows the "Delta_T" (temperature difference between inside and outside the system) a displacement of the piston. After expansion the steam is let out again and the flywheel can start the process all over again. Thus, the ongoing movement is constructed. The efficiency has, however, very limited, because the thermodynamic performance is not used to half of the process and lost the heat in the steam drained from the system.

The fact that Robert Stirling of Scotland in 1816 to allow the idea to go through the whole process in a closed system. He invented a heat engine, in receiving a gas at high temperature and entropy at low temperatures releases it again.

working principle, such a Stirling engine with two coupled cylinders: one is the heat and the other the cold bath. To be first heated in the heat bath (boiler) is a gas, which then causes a volume expansion. The piston in the cold bath first direction displaces the gas boiler. Halfway through expansion of the boiler from the cold bath is drawn in again until it has reached its full size (then the cold bath has reached its half volume). Thereafter, the compressed gas in the boiler again, the gas flow is blocked and the constant amount of gas expands in the cold bath to the maximum volume, so there a cooling off is generated. Between the two cylinders, a regenerator is a heat exchanger that receives this "cold set" and fed to the boiler, which facilitates the return of the piston displacement (isothermal compression). The cooled compressed gas in the boiler reaches its minimum volume, the cooling bath was then his first half volume and the process begins again. Thus, this cycle is more efficient than all other thermal power machines.

the four Stirling-cycle processes:

The Stirling engine uses isothermal and isochoric processes. Isothermal means that the temperature remains constant and isochoric means the maintenance of a constant volume.

first isothermal expansion in the boiler

second isochoric cooling in the regenerator

third isothermal compression

4th isochoric heating

could be used in future for the production of electricity such Stirling engines, the fossil energy consumption could be reduced significantly without additional savings. The reason why were realized in the last 200 years and just a few hundred such objects can be attributed to complications of the material properties. The piston and the cylinder walls do not reach a sufficient temperature change as fast as the gas. It is therefore hardly possible to build a reliable working Stirling engine, which passes through the ideal process properly. The experiment realized engines are notable for their frequent performance suspensions, which such a product, marketing is not yet compatible. The Stirling engine is an interesting approach, thermodynamic laws in a realistic project implementation.


- Thermodynamics System Design: Lectures Prof. Maurer / website:

- Calculation curve: Modellierunsprogramm "Berkeley Madonna"